Burkert – Type 6080։ Սոլենոիդ փական

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Նույնականացման համար: Type 6080

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Type 6080

The valve type 6080 is a direct-acting plunger valve for hydrogen applications. The plunger guiding tube and stopper are screwed together to increase the pressure resistance in contact with hydrogen. Certified 3.1 materials suitable for hydrogen and carbon-coated magnetic steels are used. Each valve is subject to a functional test at maximum nominal pressure. The external leakage at nominal pressure is 5x 10-5 mbar l/s. On request, the push-over coil can be provided as a Zone 1 or Category 2 explosion-proof version.

  • Hydrogen-resistant screwed fluid housing
  • Function test with forming gas at nominal pressure
  • Explosion-proof design ATEX and IECEx
  • Inspection holes for monitoring the process seal
  • Normally Open (NO) versions on request